In place of preface.
This work contains some cruel and bloody episodes. If You are
offended by something like that, You may wish not read furt-
her. You don't loss much doing that.
If You wish to continue, i need warn You, that first draw of
this story appear on paper into one evening, after author
spending all morning hours playing "Ultimate Doom" and all af-
ternoon "Civilization II". If You have done something like
that, You will know, what condition the author was, especially
counting these beer cans, he emptied in progress...
So the mood of story is dark, as belongs to the one, who dre-
ams to become...
Copyright note.
Rescue Rangers are property of Disney company, used here wit-
hout permission. Hope, they will let me poor guy at ease.
Julius Rokfor, Matey, Flavio, Timo and rest of legionaries is
fruit of my imagination. You may use them freely, only i don't
know, how you can do this, as they all are part of Dale's dre-
ams and most of them died at the end of story... :-(
Any coincidence with any accident, present or past, is purely
Copying and distributing of this story is allowed, as long as
it isn't changed, and this portion is included.
"I'm telling a story, nor i himself
see, nor from others hear, about
things that wasn't happen before or
will happen someday, thus there isn't
anything, that force my readers trust
me and my story."
(If i remember that guy, i stole it from ;-))
Dices fall with sound of thunder and roll few times before
stopping completely.
"Seven..." say admiral Zippo, though the rest of world leaders
may see that himself.
Pharaon Dalisra with fear turn over card, dices pointed at.
His hands was shaking.
"'Pirate fleet hit capital city'... It's not fair! I get at-
tacked last year!"
"Life ain't fair," noticed emperor Nero, pressing his long mo-
Princess Ambrosia leaned to Dalisra's side.
"I help you count it, Dale," she said, while looking over card
values. "Lets see.. Attack strength eight... Defence two...
Fortified make three... Non-veteran... No city walls... Seems,
Alexandria is razed."
"It's not fair!" Dale scream, as Gadget calculated loss of his
army powers. Seemed, that Egypt lost half of her field forces.
"You lost two chariots, legion and two phalanxes..." Gadget at
last said. It wasn't true, she had cheated little. In reality,
loss of Egypt army need be worse that that.
Dale with shock looked of his decimated army, then without
word jump on feet, give wild kick to dices and run out of room
- over huge map of Mediterran placed on floor.
"Dale, where you!" Gadget too rise from pillow, she sit on.
"I'm out!" chipmunk scream and was gone, slamming door into
wild boom.
Rest of Rangers sight and too start stand up from their pla-
ces. Game was only into middle, but it seems, it don't get
Monterey walked out from garage and found Dale standing at
open window, looking out at city park.
"Now, now, friend," he said slowly, placing his arm around
chipmunk's shoulders. "It's only a game. Don't loose your mood
for loosing one..."
"One?" Dale sight deeply.
"Okay, you lost few, but..."
"I lost all games into this week... I'm newer winning! Always
Chip or Gadget! Sometimes, when they can't agree for influence
spheres, you took first place. Even Zipper get it two times!
Only i get beated always!"
"It's your temper, Dale," Chip declared, joining pair at win-
dow. "You always go for 'All or Nothing'. Thus you always loo-
"And you cheat!" Dale snapped.
"What?" Chip angry pull in air. "What you say?"
"What you hear!" Dale cut back. "You cheat, mister Chip!"
"And that says mister 'I_cheat_now_catch_me?" Chip boiled with
"Hey, boys, stop it," Monty placed himself between chipmunk.
He had some bad feeling rising.
"He always twist rules for his victory!" Dale accused.
"Only because you are so lazy to memorize them!"
"And you always hit me when I'm not ready!"
Chip only laughed in reply at this argument.
Zipper buzzed over Chip and land on Monty's shoulder.
"Gadget asks, we will continue..."
"You cheat!"
"And you stupid!"
"Guess, no," Zipper shrug and take off, back to garage.
By that time both chipmunks had entered that wild chatter
phrase, when no one other can understand, what they say one to
"ENOUGH!" Monterey suddenly roar.
There was silence. Zipper make loop and land on chair back.
"You both are nuts!" Monterey added in more normal voice.
"It's only a game!"
"He always win!" Dale pointed at Chip. "He cheats!"
"I win because you stupid."
Dale jump on Chip.
He only forget, that there still was Monty between them. Mouse
easily caught him by shirt's collar and hold in air. With ot-
her hand he similarly caught Chip.
"Tell Gadget to count score and pack game," Monty turned to
Zipper. "I with boys will take a short walk outside."
And he headed toward doors, dragging both screaming, angered
chipmunks with.
Gadget sight and start slowly count various pieces, Zipper get
off from map and into game box. With one ear she listened to
sounds coming from landing platform outside...
It all started a month ago. One day their good friend Sparky,
the white lab mouse, showed up together with his companion -
guinea pig Buzz - and large carton box. To shocked rangers
they explained, that today was full year, as rangers help them
get out from mad scientist's Norton Nimnul's hands and start
new live. And for this they had made a present for them.
Present turned out being board game "Civilization". But not
the standard one, that, as far Gadget know, was still selling
by 'Avalon Hills". Buzz and Sparky had created their own vari-
ant of game, using their own map of Mediterran, and their own
rules. Sure, there was many borrowings, both from "Avalon
hills" and from "Microprose", as Sparky had said, but general
idea cant be denied originality.
They had played game same evening, after banket, Rangers has-
tily made with help of their other friends.
That time Gadget had stayed out, allowing Tammy play in her
place. "It's stupid to kill your time playing children games,"
she had thought by himself then.
Results of game wasn't much surprising. Sparky come out at
first place, and Buzz divided second with Tammy, who showed
unsuspected knowledge of tactic and strategy. Maybe some use
had fact, that Tammy used her charming look to mess Chip's at-
tention off of game, Gadget smiled.
Gadget smiled again, looking at the handmade figures, they
used now. After few games she, by surprize to himself, had fo-
und it worth timespending. It was a challenge to intellect,
try outsmart others on game, where all was open to others, ex-
cept your mind. By now only Chip's start handicap keep him in-
to first place, but it melted fast.
After few changes and adds, she had done to game, they had al-
so each choose a civilization, they play for. She get loved
Greece. It had enough land and sea to develop whatever mood
she was for. Monty had choose Rome. "I'm liking be emperor Ne-
ro!" he stated. "And i will rule this world!" In reality ro-
mans wasn't ruling that much, most by case, they always get
locked in war with Greeks for the north coast of Mediterran.
Chipmunks divided between an Africa. Chip get Cartage and wes-
tern half, Dale Egypt and eastern half. Like her and Monty,
they usually get locked into war between themselves. Zipper
get one from remaining civilizations - Kilikilians. Maybe for
their island colonies and fleets, or whatever small fly had in
his head. Or maybe for possibility join whatever he want, too.
But, when arrive guests - Sparky had come sometimes, and Tammy
more that sometimes, not counting Foxglove, who had become
sixth member of Rangers - they let dices choose players for
powers, and use rest of free places - galls, Iberians and Ba-
This game wasn't her lucky one, though. Locked in dead fight
with romans on land, and having Kilikilian fleet - roman ally
- raiding her shores, she was barely able defend himself, not
thinking much to help Dale. Dale, by way, had thrown all his
army over deserts to Carthagean lands. By first the mass at-
tack get results - he conquered one oasis and razed other. But
then Chip had build few fortifications on mountains, and pha-
raons army had suffer heavy losses trying conquer them. While
Dale spent his forces on mountain forts, Chip had rebuild his
army and made a counterattack. Passing Dales army, his forces
had break through shores to Nile, pillaged a lot, and now
threatened conquer main Egypt cities. Then come the two Pirate
raids, and Alexandria fall. With that, Dale had lost both war
and game.
In score table it still look different. Monty was first, Chip
second, Dale third, Zipper fourth and Gadget fifth. Yet, after
few turns Chip will be first and Dale last, and maybe she him-
self may beat these kilikilians on sea and get third place.
Gadget fold map, put it over dices and game figures and close
box. Todays game was over.
She pointed ears, as there appears very loud squeaks from out-
side, and smiled sadly. Monty was heroically trying to teach
these two chipmunks a lesson, they don't want to learn. She
know, that now Monty is using much harder words, that he may
allow himself into her presence. Yet these two was stubborn
She can understand Dale. He had lost in a row too much games
to live over it in patience. But why spill his anger on ot-
hers? It was Dales own fault. He always played on risque bo-
ard, mostly times over it. He don't understand termins like
second_defence_line, reserve, maneuver. He go straightforward.
Sometimes that helped, but most times he was so predictable...
Gadget fear, that today was last day, they tried to play ga-
Dale turned and tossed into his bed. Anger still was into him,
but by now it had messed together with shame.
He understand, that it was irrational. It was only game, as
had said both Monty and Gadget. And Chip was his best friend.
In fact his only friend, before they had meet Gadget, Monty
and Zipper.
Monty had managed them both become friends again. Chip had
apologized, and he was forced to do same. But what will happen
the next time, they will set together for a party?
He don't notice, how he fall asleep.
"Toto, i don't think, we are in Kansas
Dorothy Gale.
"Wake up, slugs!"
Dale winced and stretched lazily. Voice resembled Monty's one,
yet was deeper and even more lower that mouse ones. Not to
mention, Monty always being polite into home.
"Mark, hurry up!" voice bellow again.
"Mark?" Dale lazily wondered, still with closed eyes. "Who is
"Dale! You, #$& of $%&@#! Out!"
Hard kick on his lower end was last, Dale wait from his big
friend. Not to mention fact, that Dale's bed was upper one,
and Monty need do some acrobatic trick to reach him that way.
Chipmunk roll over, open eyes... and stand still...
He was on rough floor into some low and long building, and he
wasn't alone! Around him was some other chipmunks hastily
standing up and packing their bed... Straw beds?
Dale pinch himself. It hurt.
"Whatta up, Dale?! Hurry! Breakfast after moment!"
Big mouse with black fur trotted to next sleeper.
"Wake up, Flavie!"
Similar kick send victim out of his place like Dale.
From stupid looking Dale was distracted by voice from his
"Better do as centurion orders, or we all stay without break-
Dale look at owner of voice. It was some middle-aged chipmunk.
He had already rolled his piece of bedcover into roll and pla-
ced it at one end of straw pile.
"What is he?"
"Do as me, and don't ask! Quick, he is returning!"
Dale found better to obey.
"Still drunk from yesterday? I will beat that out your head!"
black mouse bellowed from middle of room. "Out on plaza! Hop,
hop, hop! Two times around and back!"
Poor victim disappear through doors.
Mouse walk closer.
This time Dale had better chance to look at him, and he gas-
ped. Mouse look exactly like the figure, Gadget had made for
their game...
"I'm dreaming," he whispered.
Unfortunately, mouse hear that.
"I will show you dream!" he bellowed. "Out! Two circles at
plaza and back! Tempo!"
Wide mouse-sized sword hanging at mouses belt said Dale, its
better to obey.
"AND HURRY UP TEODEN!" he hear, as he run out from building.
First he see, was look on some huge palace at other side of
plaza. Second, the fact, that palace was guarded by ten mouses
into similar costumes as black one into sleep room. Third,
that palace was build for a mouses... or he was grown VERY big
through the night... Or still was dreaming...
"Hurry up, or Roci bent you in circle!" said other chipmunk,
fast running near. Dale start after him, but soon was hope-
lessly in tail...
Dale end his second circle and run back to the entrance. By
way his attention get caught by big letters over it: "Nutcrac-
kers Fifth"
Inside he without difficulty found his bed place - only one
still not ready. Rest of chipmunks and few mouses and squir-
rels - Dale noticed, that chipmunks outnumber other animals
here by seven to one - was already standing on attention near
their beds. Helped also fact, that black mouse was standing
near his place, waiting for Dale coming near...
"Okay, lets see, how fast you get ready. I'm counting. Start!
One! Two! Three! Four! ...."
One hour later Dale was not sure, he is still dreaming. No
nightmare may be as bad as this. His fur was wet in sweat, his
stomach turning in nine knots without breakfast, and centurion
Julius Rokfor being mad at him as hell.
Rest of day was only worse. He was late on dinner - he forget
way to it, and no one bothered to help him, before it was too
late. At afternoon Julius again showed into cazarms - by that
time Dale had found out, that these was cazarms of the famous
"Fifth Nutcrackers" legion into city of Bengazi - and get few
morning victims 'to drill'. Drill contained running in circles
around plaza, while Julius stand at middle and counted.
Then follow supper, that, happily, Dale managed get, and all
they was put back to cazarms and ordered to sleep.
Next day start together with sunset - hard test for those who
get so tired in yesterday. This time, Julius bring them all
out from cazarms and they into colonns run through city, out
through huge gate, and then around city. Julius run as last
one, with side of his sword hurrying those who stay back.
For Dale it was another chance to see, that it all is only
dream, as nowhere near he see humans. In fact, all surroun-
dings was like ones made for human, only the mouses, squir-
rels, chipmunks and rats use their place. There was ships with
mouse-crew at sea, cat-pulled chariots and wagons on streets,
shops and markets full with mices and rats...
Only one fact keep him from making a bunt. When Julius had hit
him with back of sword, it feel real. Too real to risk test,
what will happen, if Julius will put in work blade...
That way go few days, till Julius once show in cazarms toget-
her with other mices in bronze breast-plates and helmets.
"Yes, they are ready to get together with rest of 'Nutcrac-
kers'," Julius said proudly. "No one tried run away, no one
pull up a fight against me!"
Both was lie, Dale know. There was attempts to run away. Both
failed. In first case Julius simply beat runners and throw
them back into cazarms. Into second case three mices put up a
serious fight with centurion, using stolen knifes and club.
Yet Julius proved being capable of winning them all. One died,
two others get only heavily beated up...
"Good, Julius. There is campaign going, and we need new forces
as fast as possible. Tomorrow bring them to armory and arm,
and then you will be meet by rest of centuries."
Armory turn out as low brick building near city gate, at the
north side of large plaza. There Dales century meet with five
other centuries to form legion. Also they each get similar set
of armour and weapons as their centurion.
Dale not without trouble learned how to put on bronze breast-
plate and tie arm and leg covers at their place. Lucky, one of
mid-aged legionaries helped him. Then there was wide leather
belt, with short, but heavy sword attached at it, helmet with
cheek-guards and few ostrich feathers on top, sandals, large
shield from wood, cowered with bronze and iron strips and
three short spears.
Soon they all again was standing on plaza, into straight
ranks. First rows formed youngest, Dale among them, middle was
the oldest, and last ranks contain mid-aged legionaries.
Dale look around, and see their centurion and group of other
officers greeting mid-aged mouse, who rid on the plaza at the
back of cat.
"Greet your commandeer Timo!" bellowed Julius.
Legion responded by clanking their swords against shields.
Mouse step down from cat and look over the ranks. He said so-
mething, but so low, no one except officers hear it. But Dale
see Julius straightening, as before battle. Sec later he
shrugged back.
Then Timo turn toward legion.
"I see, you all are brave and ready to fight for your home-
Reply was roar.
"It maybe isn't surprise to you, that we are into war with our
neighbors - the devilish carthageans!"
This time roar was louder. Dale understand it - he had found
out, that most of recruits - one fifth part at least - had
lost their homes in carthagean raids.
"In better time you will stay into city longer, learn how to
use your weapons, how to attack and retreat, not loosing coor-
dination. But time is hard! We need stop carthagean attack! By
all means! Thus we will marsh and learn in way! Death to Car-
"Death! Death! Death!"
Roar was mad. Legionaries clanked their weapons and bellowed.
Yet Dale see, that Julius face was dark. Black mouse was di-
sagreeing with their commander.
"We will leave tomorrow, with the first rays of sun! But now -
back to cazarms! Your centurions will teach you how to use
your weapons, before supper time."
Timo jump back up to cat and ride away. Centurions bellowed
commands, and legion split up and head back to its home.
Unusually, Julius don't roar in way back, and not attacked
when few squirrels start get tired and walk slower.
Dale together with the rest of century stand in circle around
Julius and large mouse with gray fur. Both legionaries was
fully armed.
"Show only once. Sword is for cutting, not piercing, for those
who don't know it already. You say - but enemy cowers with
shield? No shield will hold long against good sword. Shield is
for covering from enemy thrown rocks, spears and arrows. Only
defence against sword is sword. Thus main tactic is deny enemy
the chance use his weapon. Defend, Matey!"
And Julius start attack. Matey first tried block blows with
his sword and counterattack, but soon had enough trouble simp-
ly stop Julius from killing him. And Matey's shield start loo-
se part after part. Few more blows, kick, and Matey was lying
on ground.
"Good!" Julius said, lowering his sword.
"This is tactic - one at one. But in battle it newer works. No
one wise enemy will allow you beat his comrade dead - simply
to avoid being next target. Similarly you will newer - i repe-
at - newer allow enemy pick you out one by one. Legions power
is his unity. Break ranks, and you dead. Thus we start learn
fight in ranks."
By that time Matey had gain back his breath and part of his
"Okay, Matey. Pick nine boys for your decuria. From this mo-
ment you're my first decurion. Fabio!"
"Pick another nine for your decuria. Then free larger place."
Few minutes later there was two groups of ten legionaries
standing one against another. Julius had ordered replace iron
swords with wood pieces, but rest equip was real.
"Okay, there is theory. Few men's advancing as one will have a
gain against same size of men's fighting individually. Why?
Because they will cover one others back, not allow enemy tem-
porary gain upper hand over one of them, not allow surrounding
of one of their members. In practice it is not always that.
Why? Because these men's in group need be trained to use their
advance effectively. Otherwise they will only mess one anot-
her, and individuals will break their ranks and win them any-
way. Matey! You will organize rank and advance. Fabio! Your
order - hold them back by any means. Go!"
Julius stepped aside.
Matey said few commands fast, and his decuria, who contained
most heavy and burly mouses and only four chipmunks, formed
one-man deep row, put shields together and start advance on
Fabio's group. Chipmunks walk in middle, mouses defend sides.
Fabio, being squirrel, had picked his men's mostly similar to
him - fast and agile. There was two other squirrels, mouse and
rest was chipmunks - medium sized. He too said few quick com-
mands, and his men's broke in two parts. One formed wedge and
aim it straight on Matey's center. Other run aside, trying go
around left flank of Matey.
Roar, and Fabio in point of wedge run forward. He and six ot-
her legionaries at his back impacted shield wall of Matey.
That leaned back, and Matey's flanks try to surround Fabio's
group. At that moment attacked three Fabio reserved mans from
left. Moment after, there wasn't anything left from Matey's
rank, and his men need fight against faster enemy.
"Stop!" Julius bellowed. "Stay at your places!"
Legionaries stand still, while Julius walk around their gro-
"Good work, Fabio. Though in real battle you will be dead," he
at last said. "On this you see both advances and weakness of
fighting in ranks and individually. Both leaders made mista-
kes. Matey."
Mouse step forward. His one ear had get tear in battle, and he
feel uncomfortable, as he had picked best men's from centuria
and lost with them against weaker enemy.
"First mistake. Newer made one part of your rank weaker as ot-
hers, unless you plan use it as trap for enemy. Fabio will not
break your center, if you put mouse between chipmunks here to
harden it. Second. Newer ignore enemy who go to your back.
These three Fabio's boys was weakest, but exactly they do the
victory, messing your ranks. Third. Surrounding attempt was
good, but it will newer work with so little forces as you ha-
ve. Centuria at centuria may be different. But overall you
fight good. Now Fabio."
Squirrel stepped forward and stand side by side with Matey.
"First mistake. Newer go against a shield wall at ram. Too
much losses and chance, it will fail. Second. Leader newer go
in attack at spear point. In first ranks, but newer first. In
real life, with your death, your unit will become disoriented
and defeated. But anyway, you fight good."
Both Legionaries start look proud.
"Good. Matey, Fabio. Get your decuries, relax and prepare
yourself. Demetrey. Tacit. Pick your nine men's and form
ranks. We will see, how legion fight against legion."
Dale still wait. Demetreys unit put a hard fight but then lost
to Tacit's unit, allowing Julius tell another story about gro-
up tactic failures. Then Abraham's broken ranks defeat Gre-
nel's shield wall, and Julius again break into long tell about
need to keep place together with friends, shoulder to shoul-
der. Big half of centuria had already been picked out.
"Hasion! Dale! Pick your decuries!" suddenly Dale hear.
At first chipmunks eyes grow as big as supper bowls, but Juli-
us don't let him dream long.
"In tempo! There isn't much to choose from!"
Dale look over ranks of chipmunks standing against him. What
to do?
He look at the aged chipmunk, which bed was near his.
"West," chipmunk said name, standing near Dale.
"What to choose next?" Dale whispered.
"Suggest picking Teoden," West pointed at tall chipmunk near
begin of ranks. "Then maybe Gordo, and Flavius."
"You point at all the ones who earned yell from Julius," Dale
whispered back.
"Yes. Julius may be bellower, but he is good commandeer. He
cant say good words to us, he yell at us. But he choose you as
decurion, and that means something."
Soon Dale had ended his choose. Without three chipmunks, West
had pointed at, he get last remaining squirrel, Quint, and two
mouse brothers Tam and Tem. Both was short, but tough. Then as
rest he get two more chipmunks - Samual and Gedet.
Hasion had choose only chipmunks.
"Okay, get ready both!" Julius ordered. "Dale! You defend a
position." Centurion drop his shield at ground, marking 'posi-
tion'. "Hasion. Your order - break Dale out from this place.
Either defeat him or made him retreat. And you need do this
while I'm counting. Go!"
"Form circle!" Dale ordered. His men do as he said. It was
last he managed order, as next moment Hasion's men's rush to-
ward him, trying break his positions before Dale get oriented.
For a few seconds Dale was locked into dead fight with the
enemy chipmunk, but then West attacked him from side. Together
they defeat enemy, and then rush was ower. Dale had lost 'de-
ad' four men's, Hasion - three. But Dale still hold his place.
"Another attack, and we loose," West said in low voice.
"Somewhat uncomfortably being 'dead'," Dale agree.
"If we may be able maneuver, there may be hope, but we are ti-
ed at this place of ground," West sight.
"Any ideas?" Dale turn to his group. There wasn't any.
Sure, Hasion's men had formed wedge, and attack started again.
Again Dale and his group was defending against enemy. After
few min of swordfight and shieldbreaking, enemy retreat.
Dale had only three men now - himself, West and Tam, one from
mouse brothers. But they still hold place. Hasion too had
three remaining - Tem, before 'die', had get out two enemies.
"Three against three," Julius grin. "I think, there aren't ho-
pe for defenders."
Dale hissed in anger. He hear, how rest of centuria are pla-
cing bets, how much men's Hasion will have after victory.
Fight go away again. With the first blows, both sides lost one
member - Tam picked out most dangerous fighter of enemy and
charged. He managed 'kill' him, but himself get 'killed' by
his companions.
Hasion look at Dale questioning, then choose West to fight
against. His friend advanced at Dale.
"Backs together," West whispered, and they stand over shield,
back to back, raising shields and swords to meet attack.
Fight however get stopped by Julius. "Time out, Hasion," he
said. "Dale won. Anyway, after your victory, there will be no
men to defend it."
There was little more. Julius picked out two remaining decuri-
ons and divided rest of centuria in half to form them.
"Good, brothers Rabbits!" Julius grin, looking at the decuries
standing at plaza. "Lets see, how you will fight in larger
companies. Matey, pick three more decuries."
Mouse look at the groups. "I choose Fabio, Tacit and Abraham,"
he said, choosing winners from pair fights.
"Wise choose," Julius grin. "Who i may put against you now?
Okay, Hasion, you get rest. Order - simple. Matey defends shi-
eld, Hasion attacks. Go!"
Decurions look one at another.
"Have we some time to plan?" Demetrey asked.
"Nope! And time is going. Defenders need hold out enough, and
they win."
"Okay, mass attack!" Hasion ordered.
"No, it will do nothing!" Demetrey shout.
"Try drive wedge up to shield," Grenel said.
Simeon and Aran stay silent, as they still learn their decuri-
"You see how my men's hold out against Hasion," Dale said
slowly. "Maybe we need walk at them as shield wall?"
"They have better men's that us - Matey get heaviest ones."
"Yet three others are light ones. Demetrey and Grenel may form
a wall, with Simeon and Aram as second line to reinform them,
and we both go as flanks."
"So wise, heh?" Hasion grin.
"Hey, its better that mad charge forward." Grenel pick up Da-
le's side.
"Time is going." Julius said sarcastically. From Matey's men's
there come out laughing.
"Do as i said!" Dale ordered.
"Julius picked me as commander!" Hasion cut back.
"If we talk little more, we lost by any plan," Demetrey sigh-
"I said - charge!" Hasion roar.
With roars, all sixty Legionaries without any order start
storm Matey's position. Not surprisingly, soon they had many
losses. Matey too had lost some men's, but the proportion had
shifted in his favour. Hasion get 'killed' in charge, he lead.
Other decurions had survived. Most losses had suffered both
'green' decuries and Hasions own one.
"What now?" Demetrey sight.
"There still is my plan," Dale voiced.
"We have lost good men's to put at wall," Grenel sighted.
"There isn't any other chance, we be able to defeat them fast.
Form ranks two man deep. What remain from Hasion's decurie,
join my one. West, get half from them, you will cover left si-
de, i get right. Go!"
Fight start again. Dales trick helped little - Matey's men's
hold ground, and loosened decuries of attackers don't get po-
wer enough to move them. Yet shield wall tactic proved be more
useful as mad charge - losses in both sides was equal. By the
moment, when wall center was ready to broke, and Dale order
retreat, power balance was shifted back to his side.
"Time out," Julius said, when Dale was ready repeat attack.
"Matey win, Hasion loose. Dale, pick one men from Hasion's de-
curia to change against West. Hasion, you're lowered to ordi-
nary legionary. West, get command of Hasion's decuria."
There was sights and looks. Dale pick another chipmunk in
West's place, and they parted.
"Good. Grenel, pick three decuries and start defend position.
Fabio, you command rest. Go."
Rest of day come and go into battle games, with breaks only to
eat fastly. At evening, with the sun landing, centuria went to
cazarms and fall asleep.
Next day start with arriving of Timo. After short talk with
him, Julius call all centuria together.
"Good, boys, campaign is simple. We marsh to Cartage and con-
quer all we meet in way."
Through ranks of Legionaries run a whisper of disagree, that
slowly die under Julius dark look.
"Anyone have something to say?" centurion interested.
"It's suicide!" come voice from middle of group.
"Maybe. But our Pharaon Dalisra, long live to him, ordered
that. And we will do that!" Julius shout.
"Pharaon Dalisra..." Dale whispered. It was his name, he used
into game! "I'm really dreaming!"
"Our commandeer Timo Mantika already had leaved, with the rest
of centuries. Our centuria was picked to guard the goods, we
are bringing with. Matey, Grenel! Start prepare vagons! Fabio!
You will go out of city, as avangard! Rest - we have store to
empty! Go!"
Dale fall down into shadow of palm tree at the side of oasis,
not having strength to do anything more. They had walked all
day under baking sun. One short break for eat, and again marc-
Julius keep quiet all day, except some critical situations.
Maybe he too get tired into marsh?
Next day was copy of previous. Same mindless marching, same
sun over head, and same dust from sands, that get in into most
unimaginable places. Somewhere around midday centuria come ac-
ross razed city. Canals full with sand, roads leading to now-
here, ruins...
Third day bring some differences, yet Dale wasn't sure, will
that be for better or for worse. First far, but with each step
closer and closer come rocks. And somewhere up into them was
fort, carthageans defend against Egypt army. Fort, Egypt army
want to continue their attack.
Before afternoon Fabio's decuria joined them.
As soon as they end todays marsh, Julius call together all de-
"They are waiting for us coming," Fabio start story. "One of
our diplomats managed climb into their fort. There is three
veteran phalanxes fortified at top of mountain, into fort-
"Why not go around?" Matey ask question, they all feel.
"This is only pass in mountains, and there is road," Julius
said sadly. "We need this fort to secure our backs. Else Car-
tage may easily throw their cavalry over this pass in raids
against us. And more, Pharaon Dalisras personally ordered cap-
ture of this fort."
"Pharaon Dalisra is fool," Fabio said slow. "We will lost too
much good men's to beat them out from that rock nest, pharaon
Dalisra want to be his property."
"Your speak treacherous," Julius in same slow voice reply. Yet
he don't move, to try cut it down. Dale suddenly understand,
that their centurion had same thoughts in mind as they.
"If saying truth is treachery, the what there remains?"
Morning start with new alarms. By night there was come more
and more power of Egypt, and now there was grouped four full
legions, unfortunately only "Graincutters Third" was veterans,
rest three - including "Nutcrackers Fifth" - was greens, two
chariot groups - one from Alexandria, other from Thebes, and
two cavalry groups. No catapults, though.
Julius running come back to his centuria from commandeer mee-
"Plan is simple as always. Chariots start. These fools from
Thebes wanted be ones who open attack, and get it. Little
chance, some from them will survive... If only we get here few
phalanxes and catapult units..."
"When will we start?" Fabio ask.
"Graincutters" will go straight after chariots, then "Red
Hats", then we, and "Bullfrogs" will be last."
"And cavalry?"
"They are for raids, when fort will fall. So get ready. Last
time check your weapons, memorize orders. And remember, if so-
me pig think, he can stay back, then be aware, that i will go
as last one, and any panicked become dead from my sword. Go!"
Legions gather near fortress, out of arrow-range, and look,
how chariot units prepare their assault.
Thebians open attack. With yells and cheers they start mad run
up to fortress walls. Defenders meet them with clouds of ar-
rows and rocks. For some time Dale cant make anything out from
the dust clouds around fortress, but then from it appear few
cats with broken harness, and few beated up drivers. From fif-
ty chariots escaped only six, all damaged.
"They get out one phalanx from defenders. Good," Julius said,
looking at fortress walls. Dale more look at remains lying
around it, that only few moments before was same livings as
Alexandrians start up as soon as it was clear, that no more
survivors will retreat. Again cheers and yells, roar of anger
and pain, and again only few chariots return back from the ra-
id. Rest joined their friends at the slopes of hill.
"It is going better that expected," Julius grin, looking over
defenders. "Second phalanx beated. Less work remain for us.
Now look closely. Big chance, that we will get out without
fight, but who knows..."
Legionaries tighter hold their weapons, as "Graincutters" form
ranks and start advance at fortress.
Different from chariots, who was uphill in no time, Legionari-
es advance in medium step, like in marsh. They step forward,
despite arrows raining over them. Dale see one by one falling
unlucky, but their friends step over them and go further.
"Why not run?" some other ask question, Dale had in his mind.
"Shields cover them. In run, losses will be more, and their
ranks will mess up." Julius reply, not turning back from loo-
king at battle.
"Cover?" Fabio spit, as few more "Graincutters" fall out of
"There always is chance to fall, but when you get up, you will
see that their shields are full with Carthagean arrows."
At last Legionaries had reached walls. They start climb over
them, using poles with branches as ladders. Others throw their
spears at defenders who pull their heads over upper wall bor-
"Graincutters" managed destroy their enemy - phalanx. But they
found out also, that at nigh carthageans had added more garri-
son to fortress. Remains of "Graincutters" retreat.
Dale look at the Legionaries. "Graincutters" had lost around
two thirds of their staff, but they still keep their ranks in
Then start their attack "Red Hats". Legion walk up half hill
steadily, but then...
First Dale don't understand, what happened.
"No, no, no! Fools! Don't run!" Julius cried out.
Legionaries in shock see, how some group of attackers broke,
turn around and run down. Their officer tried to stop them,
but too late. Soon rest of legion too stop, and messed up. Un-
der rain of arrows they in panic run back.
Dale in shock look at beated legion. It had less members rema-
ining, that "Graincutters", who walked up to walls and
"That's the war. Always more get cut down in run that in fight
itself," Julius commented in dark voice. "Remember that. And
get ready. We now need do what these fools failed."
Dale with fear get his place in ranks. As youngest, he was
placed in second row, with most of his decuria around him.
"Remember! Cower yourself and neighbors! Don't broke ranks!
Don't play heroes, stay with rest!" Julius give last advices
before trumpets signaled their turn. "Don't run!"
Trumpets cried unpleasantly, and legion start his way up.
Dale walk feet by feet with his decuria. He know, he need show
courage to his group, but he don't feel any remaining. All he
see was corpses lying before him. Legionary... Cat full with
arrows... Chariot turned over, his driver lying under it...
Easily can be parted remains of "Red Hats", as they was shoot
in their backs. Dale first time understand, why Legionaries
get armour only in front - to win or die...
"Keep the ranks!" Timo shout over legion.
"Keep the ranks!" Centurions repeat.
Unpleasant whistle, and Gordo two places east from Dale fall
over. More whistles, and there was more empty places appearing
between Legionaries.
"Fill the ranks!" Timo shout.
"Fill the ranks!" Centurions repeat.
Back rows pull faster to fill free places. Legion advanced.
Dale wondered, why his shield suddenly become heavier.
Scream, and Quint fall on knees, holding his head. Blood run
over his fingers, coloring his fur red.
"Fill the ranks!" Timo shout.
"Fill the ranks!" Dale hear other centurions repeating. But he
don't hear Julius voice this time.
Chipmunk risked look back, only to see big black mouse lying
between other fallen Legionaries, blood covering his chest,
his shield lying near.
"Fill the ranks!" Matey cry in Julius place.
Fortress come closer and closer.
There was already poles standing at the wall, and legion used
the ones, they drag with, to get up the walls. They step over
dead, raising them up, and start climb walls like ants. By now
losses become more and more, as Legionaries more can't cover
with shields from all sides.
"Use spears!" Timo shout.
"Use spears!" centurions repeat.
Cloud of spears for a moment cleared defenders down from wall,
and with yells, first Legionaries get over its top. Dale
wasn't between them, he still was down at wall foot.
"Beat them!" Timo shout, climbing one of ladders, while Legio-
naries form a platzdarm at top of it.
Dale get over walls with the last of his centuria. But battle
wasn't over yet. Enemy still hardly defend each corner and
each rock,, and Legionaries pay bloody price for each foot of
earth, they gain.
By now Dale too had blooded his sword, when group of phalan-
kers tried stop his decuria from advancing. Covering with shi-
elds, his group walk closer to them and put in use swords.
Phalankers push forward their long spears, but they was too
little group to do it effectively. Swords cut spear poles, and
then their owners.
By that time Dale's decuria had lost two more. Gratus, who get
in place of West, was pierced by spear, but Tam shoot by ar-
row. Six remaining walk forward with the rest of legion, cut-
ting down any resistance.
Not soon, but slowly battle died. Legion had win.
Dale stand in ranks with remains of his decuria and listen,
how Timo was talking about glory of the day, and that their
heroism will be put into annals of history. He himself think
about the battle and all friends, that get lost in it...
"Nutcrackers Fifth" too had suffer heavy losses. More that
half of legionaries found their death at this unnamed hill.
But legion still was battle-capable, and after short rest,
they will marsh further. "Bullfrogs" get out without fight,
and now they feel somewhat uneasy, when "Graincutters" and
"Nutcrackers" together feast victory. No one noticed beated
"Red Hats" sitting unarmed at corner of fortress. There will
be no more legion with that name...
There also was both groups of chariots, with Thebians pulling
Alexandrians on teeth. Cavalry was leaved in raid as soon as
last enemy had been defeated. They promised drag some cartha-
gean girls with for the Legionaries in their way back.
Dale wasn't one of cheerers of victory. He sit alone at the
side of campfire and look over joyful camp.
Dale sit and think. What he was here? Was it real? Or it was
some very vivid dream? Yet, cut in his leg was painful, he was
tired, and it all seemed so real...
"May we join?" he hear voice.
Lifting head, he see Fabio, Matey and Grenel standing behind.
"Sure," Dale said.
"We need talk," Fabio said in low voice.
"There is much losses in our centuria. We need fill places.
And i want your help, friend," Matey look at flames rising up
to dark blue sky.
"Matey get temporary placed as our centurion," Fabio spit in
fire. "Only as long as there will come some aristocrat to get
officers post belonging to him..."
"Julius was good centurion..." Grenel sighted. "Harsh one, but
good. There is little chance new one being same as him. We ne-
ed Matey be our leader officially."
"If we all get together, we can place new decurions and choose
best men's from "Red Hats" remains, and then we will show,
that we are the best legion in all Egypt." Fabio at last tell
out what these three was after. "Then we will live and fight
as we want, not running in wall with heads. You with us?"
Dale think.
"Yes, I'm with you," he said after long silence.
"Good. Matey already had some decurions in mind," Fabio said
quickly. "Remember that tomorrow at morning."
Yet the plans of morning turnaround went to hell, as the sco-
uts bring back news about the large army of carthageans advan-
cing toward fortress.
Instead of chooses, "Red Hats" get quickly divided between two
other legions and they all start fortify. But Legionaries feel
nervous. They was sure, that they don't hold as valiant as the
carthageans yesterday. More panic raised returning of few bea-
ted cavalerists - all that remain from two herds that proudly
ride out yesterday.
At afternoon, Dale can see the carthageans placing in the
camps at the other side of fortress - four chariot groups, two
phalanxes and three cavalry. Enough to beat Egyptians out of
fortress. And Dale know, that once their cavalry get over,
there will be no one that may stop them before walls of Ale-
Into bad mood Egyptians left to sleep.
Next morning bring even worse news.
First, as big surprise, Egyptians found carthagean army at the
both sides of their fortress now, cutting them back from their
bases. Second, before the surrounding was complete, there ar-
rived group of diplomats. They bring in news, that the Ale-
xandria is captured by pirate fleet. That caused so much pa-
nic, that at morning there wasn't more Alexandrian chariots
and "Bullfrogs" legion...
At midmorning, carthagean trumpets play attack, and first of
their chariot group start their advance.
"Graincutters" fight to best, but lost. Chariots, with heavy
losses but victorious, return to their camp.
Dale and his decuria get their places at wall, between dead
Legionaries of "Graincutters".
"Hold tight!" Matey yell. "They will pay deadly for their vic-
tory! Death to Cartage!"
"Death! Death! Death!" legion call out.
Dale see, how the chariots get closer and closer. Now the Le-
gionaries throw their spears, and few first chariots turn
over, their cats dead or their drivers wounded. Second rows
ride over them. Arrows fall around Dale, picking out his decu-
ria one by one...
There fall Tem, trying throw spear at closest chariot...
Samual hit with sling stone, lying on his side...
Dale see the first chariots pulling to stop at the wall feet,
their crews jumping on their sides and then on the wall witho-
ut the ladders.
One of the attackers jump toward him. Date meet him on shield
and cut with sword. Enemy fall back, dead.
But there was already two more in his place.
Dale meet first one with shield again, Flavie helping him from
side with second one. Enemy was light armed, and soon they was
thrown back down the wall. Yet there was more and more enemy
over the walls.
Some places of wall was now bare, carthageans climbing over
them freely. Dale and rest of his group turn to meet new dan-
ger from side.
It was then, as Dale see the rock flying at his head.
It is strange, how time is stretching in the moments of dan-
ger. Dale see the small round rock flying toward his head,
knowing it will hit him, and not able move...
He get hit by it, hear Teoden scream his name, step back, and
fall over wall side... fall... fall... fall...
"There isn't place like home."
(Who said it first?)
Dale fall.. fall...
"Dale! Say something! Dale!" someone cried.
Dale open eyes.
First he see was Chip's face looking at him in big worry.
"Thanks God, you alive!" he whispered.
Dale shocked look around. He was lying on floor into their
with Chip room, with Chip and Monty at his sides. He hear fast
footsteps, and into room run in Gadget with glass of water.
"By holy cows, Dale, you terrified us all when you start that
flight from your bed with the hard landing head-first," Monty
free out air from his lungs with ease.
"Drink, Dale," Gadget kneed at his head and pull it on her
lap. In other time Dale will be at the seventh sky from luck,
but this time wave of pain, when inventor's small finger check
his head for bumps, deny him it. One bump here was. And big
Later at morning Dale was lying back in his bed, with Gadget
sitting near him, changing wet compresses on his head.
"I still don't understand, what happened?" he whispered.
Gadget look at him closely.
"I think, YOU will tell that. You suddenly put out a yell over
half park, jump up and fall head-first out of your bed. Then
you lie as dead while we all don't know, what to do. And you
ask us, what happened?"
"I don't remember... i think, it was dream... strange dream...
Like i was piece in our game... A legionary..."
Gadget look into Dale's eyes, then check his forehead.
Dale soon went out of bed. They live calm day, checking Spi-
nelli's notebook but not founding any cases they will investi-
gate. And no one come to headquarters to ask their help too.
Dull day.
At evening, after supper, Dale pull out game pack.
Rest of rangers exchanged looks.
"Don't think, its the best idea, Dale," Gadget said into wor-
ried voice.
"You again will lost, and again will scream," Chip add, ear-
ning hard look from mouses and fly.
"I need revanche. And i don't cry more." Dale promised.
"You sure you want it?" Monty asked, but the rest of them had
already agreed.
"Okay, I will prepare game," Gadget quickly said. "Chip, help
me. Dale, Monty, bring up crackers and juice from kitchen."
As soon as mouse and chipmunk was out of room, Gadget drop box
and pulled Chip close to her.
"Let Dale win." she said.
"Why?" Chip wondered.
"I said, let Dale win. Made a mistake."
"Gadget!" Chip screamed.
"So hard it is to loose one time to let your friend feel go-
od?" Gadget asked ironically.
"No, but..."
"No buts. He need win. And i hope, he will win this time,"
Gadget said, listening for two others returning with food and
"Gadget, it don't solve anything!" Chip disagree. "He will win
today, but he will loose other day. I cant always surrender to
"Okay, Okay... it was only idea... Forget it."
Game started, as always. First all the races expand peaceful-
ly. Greeks first settled North of Mediterranean, leaving to
romans only Italy and Spain. Kilikilians as always head for
islands in sea. Both Cartage and Egypt found as many cities
they can in their lands as possible. Then start first conf-
licts. Rome try beat Greeks out of France. It succeeded, but
then Greeks had gain Kilikilians as ally and start push romans
back. Egypt develop infrastructure by building roars, Cartage
prepared hill forts against their attacks.
Two hours later game was in crisis. Both Cartage and Egypt had
build huge armies. So huge, that only outcome may be total
war. Rome by that time had been defeated totally, reduced to
capital, with Greek phalanxes surrounding it. Greece was fast-
ly building up her own army and fleet, while kilikilians exp-
loit last free land pieces.
Then Dale suddenly switch to great shipbuilding. Chip cursed,
moving half of his army back from mountains to the shores. He
need move even more, when Dale launched huge fleet toward him.
Gadget with fear see battle raging between two chipmunks. Her
army still wasn't ready to help Dale.
While fleets maneuvered into Mediterran, no one trying start
grand battle, Dale start move some phalanxes into mountain
area. them being only few, Chip failed notice their importan-
ce, when Dale start build roads here, connecting to Chip's
Dale launched another fleet. Chip was forced pull back even
more defenders. Just then Dale start his grand battle. Ships
sink, but only after chariots and phalanxes land out at Cart-
hage's shores. Chip fight back.
And then Dale pull forward another army - catapults, cavalry
and phalanxes - over the roads, he had build in desert. Pres-
sed between sea assault and advancing ground forces, Chip
fight valiantly, but without luck. Half hour later, Chip was
reduced to three mountain cities, armed to teeth's, while Dale
commanded twenty big plain cities and four times as big army.
When Greece and Kilikilia agreed to ally with Egypt, both Rome
and Cartage surrender.
"Wow, Dale!" Gadget exclaimed. "You win!"
"Yep, friend. How you managed that?" Monty wrote his name in
fifth place, don't even bother to count his pieces.
"I use Chip's trick back on him," Dale smile. "Divorce atten-
tion. Trick with fleet was only diversion. Chariots was too
little to capture cities, main force was phalanxes who get
fortified on good locations, messing up Chip's communications
and resources. As soon as he had pulled his main force back to
deal with my diversants, i push forward catapults and cavalry
over hills. He cant at same time beat my attack and save his
fields from pillaging."
"But how you think out that?!" Chip ask, still shocked from
"A dream helped me."
"Dream?" all rest of rangers exclaimed.
"Yes. I see that all in my dream. Centurion Julius Rokfor tell
about tactic, using this one trick as example..."
Gadget exchanged worry look with Monty and Chip.
Gadget close game box and smile toward friends.
"I don't leave it that!" Chip stated. "I want a revanche."
"Tomorrow, Chipper," Dale grin as only he can, driving Chip
mad. "But for today I'm winner. Lets feast it!"
"Sure, boys! I know very good place, where to get a wonderful
cheese at this time!" Monty agreed.
Zipper happily buzzed, zoomed over them and out of doors.
"Hey, wait a sec!" Gadget run after them, closing doors.
"And hope, we will all sleep well tonight!" was last Dales vo-
ice, that get heard by.