* * * - And FatCat felt at last all power of the science, - Gadget declared. - Yes, whole it's weight, - Dale added, and all Rangers laughed as on the reflex. - A-and Stop! Filming done! - into the loudspeaker said big fat mouse int dark costume and white shirt. - Its all for today. All free. All Rangers slowly started to walk off the decoration set. L. Johnson pulled off the long jacket and pilot's hat and goggles, wiping away sweat with the handkerchief. - Im late on date! Margaret will newer forgive me! - he exclaimed, looking at the clock, and broke into run toward the dressroom. Said it was to the director, who was still sitting into the chair in front of set and wasnt going anywhere. - As long as i know you, you have been late, - pointed Martin at the back of Johnson, straightening the red-and-yel- low coloured shirt. - And all time You have someone who will never forgive You. - Stop teasing! - caled John, moving past him, and stic- king tongue at collegue. - O my Lord! - Martin rolled eyes, then slowly and care- fully walked toward his own dressroom, following Linda, who had disappeared into the doors few moments earlier. Set fast became empty, light was turned off, and techni- cal personnel too start disappear. Director stood up from his chair and moving very graciously for someone as round as him, crossed the room and sat down on another chair, facing the do- ors of dressrooms, waiting for something. Ten mins later from her room appear Linda, who had changed the set of coverall for blue jeans and white t-shirt. As usually, she had accented her look with slight eyeshadows and natural-looking lipstick. As on clue, on teh ehit she collided with John, who too was lea- ving studio. - What You say if we go for a dinner together? - Get lost, - Linda said, not as much as turning head to look at him. - Today is such an romantical evening. Like specially or- dered for us two. - John moved ahead of her and stopped her with the hand pressed in wall. - Are you idiot or play one? - Linda twisted toward him, her tail swinging in wide arcs, underlining her anger. - Or maybe You really think, you are Mister Universe? - You are so beautiful, when You are angry, - John pres- sed on with wide smile on lips. - O how i hate you! - Linda exclaimed, pushed John hand out of way and near ran out the doors. Director looked at her disappearing behind the corner. - What a hot girl! - John turned to director, and moved to the exit too. Five mins later into the black costume and tie appeared Martin. - Ahh, mister Saimonson, you still are here? I forgot to say goodbye to You. - It's nothing, Martin, - director aid into tired voice. - Nothing. Go. - Then till tomorrow, - Martin said polite and left. Di- rector sat for some monents more, then stood up and walked thrught the set of decorations. He stopped at the 'entrance' into the 'Headquarters'. - And FatCat felt at last all power of the science, - he said silently - all it's weight, - he added after silence, and laughed sadly. |
© Loki 1998 |