Lawainee Goes Hawaiian

by Roman Bulygin

translated by Aivars, errors corrected by Kat

                       Authors preface.
              Following story  is a quite plain crossover (not
              plagiat!). It doesn't contain any new revolutio-
              nary  thoughts or ideas and almost fully is made
              by those literaturical cliques that  the  author
              managed to remember at the time of writing. Only
              one,  and even then a questionable,  good  thing
              about this story is just the amount of the cate-
              gories,  it won't fit into.  Such as there comes
              the  recommendation to read it before sleep as a
              replacement for the eight-grade algebra  textbo-

     Into pleasant dreams broke something alien, something out
of this world.  Something from the real world.  She opened her
eyes. Behind the wall she could heard a chorus of voices. Whi-
le her brain was slowly picking up speed, the roar slowly for-
med into chanted cry:  "La - wai - nee!  La - wai - nee!  La -
wai - nee!"
     The light cloth over the entrance was pulled aside a bit,
and into it appeared Shakea-Baka's blonde head: "Lawainee! The
volcano gods are angry again..."
     His head disappeared.  Lawainee jumped up from  her  bed,
went to the colourful mask leaned against the wall, and pushed
it aside.  It revealed small ventile. One look out of the win-
dow  confirmed,  that  today the volcano had steam really high
up. It threatened the village for every day since it had appe-
ared, until she by accident discovered this ventil. She didn't
know, why, but the volcano gods liked, when she turned it clo-
se for some time, and they calmed down.
     " Save us,  Lawainee!" came chanting  from  the  outside,
"Lawainee, help us!"
     "Lawainee, calm down the angered volcano gods!"  Huba-bu-
ba, the village shaman, had extremely low and strong voice.
     Lawainee struggled with the hand of ventil. It was hot on
touch and refused to turn.  "O,  great gods of volcanoes!" she
cried.  The handle refused to turn.  Lawainee felt pain,  when
from  under  her nails appeared small dots of blood.  "Please,
hear us!" - her voice rose up to a scream;  tears rolled  from
her  eyes.  Refusing  to let go in spite of increasing hotness
and pain in muscles,  she continued to push. "I, Lawainee, beg
you  for compassion!" she called this on the last breath,  but
it looked,  that this time she was heard out. The handle star-
ted  to move.  Slowly the gods calmed down,  at least for this
     "I did  it!  They  listened  to me," she felt down on the
floor,  out of energy.  On the street the screams  changed  to
"Praise   the  Lawainee!"  cheers.  She  slowly  gathered  her
strength to stand up and step outside.  Hiding the burnt hands
behind her back,  she stood in the entrance and smiled. Shaman
left the crowd and stood side to side with her.
     "For a long time we have needed a queen to lead us! Lawa-
inee is the only one who can calm angered  volcano  gods."  he
exclaimed. Lawainee blushed.
     "If you insist, " she whispered.
     To say the truth,  she had suspected it long ago. She was
accounted for the most beautiful girl of  her  generation,  at
the  same  time  she  didn't  lack a sharp mind to go with the
stunning looks.  Not for first time,  if the neighbours wanted
to solve some agreement, they didn't bother shaman - the offi-
cial ruler of tribe - but came to her for advice.  Nobody  was
surprised by the news of who will be the candidate for the new
queen.  What she had not expected was the fact that  it  would
happen now, this same day.
     "Straight after the tests, yes?" Haba-baba smiled.
     "Tests? What  tests?"  Lawainee's  eyes widened.  "I know
nothing about tests."
     "The tests  necessary  for  the coronation.  You know the
survival test?"
     "Survival test? Nobody told me... We never before had ha-
ve a queen..." Lawainee said in shock,  tried to  remember  at
least something, but as in spite, nothing came to her mind.
     "That's because nobody survived," Haba-baba  smiled,  and
just for a moment,  a strange glint appeared in his eyes. "For
starters,  you would have cross the terrible Crab  Pool,  then
step over the coals of Horror,  and then to deal with the Wave
of Fate."
     "I..." Lawainee for a moment stopped into uncertainty. "I
will survive."
     "The tests will start on sunset. If you survive past sun-
set,  we will make you a queen..." The mad cheering broke sha-
man's speech.
     "Queen Lawainee! Queen Lawainee! Queen Lawainee!
     "Tomorrow we  will have either a new queen or extra hut!"
shaman pulled a final line under the account.  The crowd star-
ted to slowly disperse for what they were doing.  Lawainee re-
turned to her own deeds...
     Lawainee waited for the pipe to cool down, before turning
the ventil back into first position. If that is not done, then
next time the gods will make angry noises much closer  to  the
village.  Better  to  let  them 'blow off some steam' and then
calm down.  She returned the mask to its place and  looked  at
the nearby volcano. Where went her courage and the will to ma-
ke it?  The tests were serious and dangerous as well. Lawainee
had  been just a small girl the last time somebody had attemp-
ted to become queen, so she did not remember much of it.
     Only a few moments from her childhood surfaced in her me-
mory.  The face of some woman kissing her on the forehead. So-
meone leading small Lawainee to something, but she was playful
and wanted to go to the beach, and she was taken away. Endless
sad crying...
     "How could I make through these tests?" she  didn't  even
notice how she had started to talk aloud. A bad habit, but she
had done it since she had been a kid every time she was afraid
or overemotional.
     Through the doors stepped Shakea-baka. As usual, with him
was  his  first and main love - the big surfboard.  His second
love was Lawainee, and in spite of her second role, she answe-
red to his love.
     "Your Royal Highness!  To think that tomorrow I would be-
come the royal lover!"
     Lawainee turned toward him.  "Shakea-baka, I won't become
queen. I will fail the tests. I... I'm afraid.."
     Shakea-baka leaned surfboard against the  wall  and  then
turned away the facemask. "Fool them! Girlie, you fooled enti-
re tribe with this volcano switch! Would it be so hard to just
play out this outland cross?"
     For a moment,  Lawainee froze into the shock, but she im-
mediately regained her composure. Her hands pulled into fists:
"What did you say, Shakea-baka?"
     "Nothing... I  said  nothing," he stepped back.  Her tone
didn't predict anything good for him.
     "I don't  plan  to cheat them!  I hold this a secret only
for the sake of someone like you not to starting to use it for
himself!" The corners of her mouth started to shake treachero-
usly,  tears formed in the corners of her eyes.  Sniffing, she
pressed against the high chest of Shakea.
     "I... I would...  cheat no one..." she sniffed.  "I'm ...
I'm so afraid... so afraid..."
     Shakea-baka hold her tightly and  slowly  whispered  soft
and calming words into her ear until she calmed down...
     Lawainee stepped  out  to the shore of the Crab Pool.  In
the distance could be heard the voices of tourists  assembling
to view the evening attraction.  Dark rocks were still holding
the warmth of midday sun,  even that now only red setting  sun
was lighting them up.  Water was dark, warm, still and glanced
like mercury.  Water at once pulled and threatened. Light wind
was  moving  the bush leaves up over it.  All she wanted as to
sit down and just take a short rest,  watching this  beautiful
sunset over the calm waters...
     Lawainee looked around.  Nobody was near; the idea of the
deadly tests suddenly looked like something impossible, like a
nightmare that would go away once she would wake up.
     Suddenly the  light  went out.  She found herself stuffed
into bad-smelling old sock.  "It  started!"  a  thought  shoot
through her brain.
     She was raised and carried somewhere. Short moment of we-
ightlessness,  then splash.  Suddenly she was sinking into the
water; dark and sticky water. It goes through the fur straight
to the skin,  gets into the mouth,  nose,  ears,  eyes. "Don't
pull in air!  Hold your breath!  First things you have to  get
out of this sock!  Exit!  Where's the exit! They won't... wont
     Already nearly out of breath,  she tore, and ... darkness
went away.  she appeared in a wonderful castle of  light.  The
pool...  A really big aquarium,  just masked for a pool,  with
this only glass wall was turned toward the  restaurant.  Light
from the multiple electrical lamps pressed into it,  reflected
from the glass and from the top of water,  filled  the  entire
place.  In the corners rose seaweed, glinting with air bubbles
of their long silky leaves like a diamonds.  Around her in  an
endless waltz shoot,  flashed and disappeared thousands of the
stars - small crabs,  plankton,  pieces of mud raided from the
     Lawainee saw nothing of this at all.  Half-drowning,  she
tried to reach the top, to get some air into lungs that threa-
tened to burst from the pain... Air... Faster...
     Suddenly, terrible pain caught her leg.  A powerful force
stopped her ascent, twisted hear around. More pain, as another
force  crushed  her  chest and started to pull her down...  On
reflex she tried to breath,  but only water rushed  in...  Her
mind  exploded into rainbow patterns,  and then darkness ended
it all...
                            * * *
     She sat  at  the edge of the Crab Pool and remembered the
past. Her past. She had many times thought about what was hap-
pening to her,  but for some reason, it was today, that she so
painfully remembered the first days.  The first...  cycles, as
she had started to call them.  Possibly, because as she hoped,
today would be the day,  that this endless nightmare will come
to an end. All the suffering started on that faraway day, when
she was supposed to become queen. That far away Today. If not-
hing  had  intervened,  she  was  destined to die on the first
test, but... some power, guided by, as she thought now.
     Pure evil mind was every time turning  back  the  time  -
again;  again and again, and she, again alive and well, had to
relive this endless day again,  again and again.  This day had
turned  for her into endless eternity.  Cycle after cycle (she
had started to call so the days intervals  of  her  life)  she
tried to find an exit from this trap.  This time she felt,  it
had to work!  After so much pain,  so many deaths and revivals
she  at last accepted the fact,  that she can't pass the tests
by herself. Nevertheless, if her plan worked, nobody would no-
tice  the  switch,  and then the one who had put this curse on
her,  would be forced to take it off.  The long  ago  planned,
tested and retested operation was about to start.
     Lawainee sat between rocks, waited and remembered...
                            * * *
     Into pleasant dreams broke something alien, something out
of this world.  Something from the real world.  She opened her
eyes.  Behind the wall she could heard a chorus of voices. Ho-
wever,  there was something else that  was  lost  without  any
chances  of  remembering,  into the land of dreams.  While her
brain was slowly picking up speed, the roar slowly formed into
chanted cry: "La - vai - nee! La - wai - nee! La - wai - nee!"
     The light cloth over entrance was pulled aside a bit, and
into  it  appeared Shakea-Baka's blonde head:  "Lawainee!  The
volcano gods again got angry..."
     Head disappeared.   Lawainee  jumped  up  from  her  bed,
stretched,  went and pushed aside the  colourful  mask  leaned
against the wall.  It revealed small ventile. Mouse looked out
of the window at the volcano and leaned against the handle.
     "Save us, Lawainee!" came chanting from the outside, "La-
wainee,  help us!" "Lawainee,  calm down the  angered  volcano
gods!" Huba-buba joined the cheers
     Lawainee struggled with the hot hand of ventil. "O, great
gods of volcanoes!" she cried. The handle refused to turn. La-
wainee felt pain,  when from under her  nails  appeared  small
dots  of blood.  "Please,  hear us!" - her voice stepped up to
scream,  from eyes started roll tears.  Refusing to let go  in
spite of increasing hotness and pain in muscles, she continued
to push...
     For all day,  she felt that strange feeling  of  deja'vu,
that  it all had already happened with her once.  She even re-
membered some conversations, some happenings; she knew then so
well, she could even tell what would came next. Was the stran-
ge dream from the morning returning to  her?  Moreover,  there
was  that  dark subconscious feeling of incoming doom that she
could neither explain nor calm down; that rose by each passing
     Lawainee came  to the Crab Pool.  Evening light was dying
over the rocks which warmed up during the day.  Under them was
the dark gleaming pool of water.  She looked at the water like
under a charm. It all had already happened once. She even knew
what would happen next. Only it was already too late...
     Someone whispered something,  and then the dark  materiel
of  old sock closed her eyes.  Lawainee didn't struggle,  just
whispered to herself:  "Calm down..." During the short  moment
she  was  carried,  she tried to orient herself and to pull as
much air into her lungs as possible.
     Water. Again, this sticky water surrounded her. And dark-
ness. "Don't breathe. Just get out of the sock." Well, she was
ready  this time,  she found the exit even faster that she ex-
pected, and she didn't even feel the lack of air. She even had
a  few moments to look around and think.  She needed to hurry,
but still, before making the first sweep with her hands to ra-
ise her toward the surface, Lawainee looked down.
     The shadow of her recent prison - old sock -  was  slowly
descending,  trying  to  blend with the dark bottom.  Suddenly
there was movement down below.  Under the  sock  appeared  big
dark claw and stretched toward her. "A crab! No more waiting!"
Her hands made a mighty sweep,  as if trying to tear the water
over her apart.  Her legs pushed her up, moving into fast swe-
eps. Still she felt the other movements of water, made by awa-
kened crab.
     Another sweep,  another...  The surface was  coming  clo-
     For a moment, the terrific claw was in front of her eyes.
Then  they closed.  Like on a slow speed cinema,  Lawainee saw
the inner side of the claw,  painted for  whatever  reason  in
pink colour, to cross over her chest. "Sad. This is it."
     For a moment,  her world was just an explosion  of  pain.
Her  ears  still heard the crack of bones,  her eyes still saw
the air rushing out from the torn lungs and the water  turning
misty red with the blood...  her blood... She didn't have time
to understand it, though...
                            * * *
     Lawainee shook and pushed the memories away. On the other
side of pool had appeared another mouse,  wearing  yellow  top
and shorts.  Gadget, her doppelganger, just a wild card passed
to her by fate, and main piece into today's gambit. Gadget had
pulled  onto  her legs strange waterboots with corks for soles
and timidly stepped onto the water.  When  she  was  near  the
middle of pool, Lawainee rose from her hideout. It was time to
start work.  It was close to the timeout, but the practice ac-
quired  into  endless  cycles and many repetitions before gave
her confidence.
     For starters, she had to get the co-operation of this fo-
ol of a girl.  Lawainee climbed on a big rock and  started  to
call: "A-u! A-u!.."
     Gadget turned from her walk and went to her:  "Am I tres-
passing? I mean, is it okay that I am here?"
     "Sure, dear!  I would say, you're in the right place. Be-
sides,  my name Lawainee." - at this step, Lawainee didn't di-
verge from the first scenario,  by chance taken  by  intuition
and pure puck to the best possible way. Only thing to be care-
ful about was to avoid sounding too false.  Well, at this sta-
ge, the girl still did not suspect anything anyway.
     "My names Gadget.  You know,  you  remind  me  of  somet-
     "What an interesting name - Gadget.  Like these things on
your  feet?" - now Lawainee knew she was talking total nonsen-
se, but, since it had worked before, it will work now as well.
     "On my feet? A! Oh, I'm sinking!"
     Lawainee counted eight breaths and with one hand  hanging
from  the  leaf,  stretched  her other toward Gadget,  who had
started to sink.  The girl didn't even get a chance to get her
legs wet, before she was pulled ashore. This small change from
the standard,  like all that would follow, were the results of
old experiments and careful counting. Besides, it did save so-
me time and allowed her to gain more confidence at the  begin-
     "I think,  you will have many things to cross  this  pool
with,  of  course if you wish to do so,  " Lawainee noticed to
herself, that she had overdosed optimism into her voice. Well,
it would have to pass.
     "That's the problem!  I can never decide what exactly  to
     The dialogue,  masterfully guided by Lawainee,  continued
to unfold.  Lawainee introduced Gadget with her plan, mentally
counting the breaths.
     "Your friends are my friends."
     Four. Lawainee pushed Gadget into exact spot  she  needed
to stand.
     "Sure dear?"
     "I will take care of your friends,  while you will be ta-
ken care of by mine."
     Two. Small sound from above. They had arrived.
     "Don't worry!"
     Small change  in  the  scenario.  Why say stupid excuses?
Just as she had said last phrase,  Lawainee jumped around  the
     There was a sound of a short struggle and a muffled scre-
am. At last, the voice of Huba-buba declared: "Let's start the
tests!"  Excellent,  the  muscular  warriors of her tribe were
carrying Gadget toward the end of the pool.  The  warriors  of
her future army. She had to hurry again.
     Splash of water Lawainee didn't hear.
                            * * *
     Into pleasant dreams broke something alien, something out
of this world.  Something from the real world.  She opened her
eyes. Behind the wall she could heard a chorus of voices. Only
there was something else, and it wasn't a dream.
     Lawainee rose  on  an elbow,  forgetting the sleep,  then
stood up.  She tossed down the dress and went to the piece  of
mirror to look at herself.  The screams of help on the outside
didn't worry her the least bit.  Even that, this time, she re-
membered all that had happened before, she didn't find any da-
mage on her body.  All was as always - no scars, no wounds, no
     "Aha, right now the cloth will be pulled aside  and  Sha-
kea-baka will appear," she thought and grinned by herself.
     The light cloth over entrance was pulled aside a bit, and
into  it  appeared Shakea-Baka's blonde head:  "Lawainee!  The
volcano gods...  Ops!  sorry..." His face turned a bit red and
withdraw  much faster that last time.  "But the gods still are
angry..." came from the other side of the cloth.
     Lawainee hmmed.  Nude  as she was,  she went to the mask,
pushed it aside and crashed  her  shoulder  crashed  into  the
handle. Something inside the mechanism cracked so angrily that
she was covered by goosebumps instantly.  However,  the handle
turned a bit.  She kicked handle again, then again. It was ne-
arly closed;  just a bit more. Ignoring the hurt shoulder, she
stepped  back for a run-up and smashed the handle for the last
time. There was soft crack. The ventile closed, but not perma-
nently from the way it appeared.  Lawainee went sprawling onto
the floor;  the broken off handle fell down near her. The mood
was totally awful.
     On the street the screams changed to "Praise  the  Lawai-
nee!"  cheers.  The mouse in question slowly got dressed.  She
didn't even bother to raise the mask into its place  when  she
went out.  She stopped in the doorway and looked around with a
dark look.  Shaman left crowd and stood side to side with her.
"For  a long time we have needed a queen to lead us!  Lawainee
is the only one who can calm angered volcano gods." he exclai-
med. Well, he wasn't so sure as in that time... before.
     Lawainee didn't know what to say or do.  Dream, if it was
a dream,  was repeating again.  The most terrible thought was,
that maybe it wasn't a dream at all.  She had pinched  herself
several times already, trying to wake up, but without results.
Even more,  the hurt shoulder was most real pain she had expe-
rienced.  Her  life somehow had ended,  turned into an endless
loop; a circle. Ahead was an anticipation of being thrown into
the  pool  that  evening  and  experiencing  death from hungry
     "I don't want any more..." she whispered.  Then into full
voice:  "NOOOO!!!!" Screaming, she ran off, the shocked villa-
gers looking after her...
                            * * *
     The memories didn't stop her from quickly undressing  and
changing into yellow top and shorts herself.  Exactly the same
as Gadget had worn.  Now she had to divert  the  attention  of
'rescuers' and then help her 'partner'.
     "Gadget? Gadget!  We decided to meet her before going  to
the  festival.  I  hope  she won't get distracted on the way,"
Chip's voice came straight below her.  Lawainee with practised
movement  caught  one  long  leave  and  graciously slid down.
"Thanks, Chip."
     "It looks,  she  came  right  on time." This was Dale.  O
gods, how predictable they were. Now Monty...
     "You ok, luv?"
     Endless attempts and watching hadn't come in  vain.  Now,
unlike  that  first  time,  Monty  was worrying only about her
fall.  She was even proud about this.  In some sort of  sense,
she had become a friend with each of them.
     "Let's go to the festival,  boys," she smiled a warm  and
innocent smile - exactly as the one that currently was sinking
into the pool would do.  Too bad she can't stay with them, the
task awaited...
     After walking about twenty steps,  Lawainee suddenly made
a stressed-thoughtful face. "Sorry. Monty, I just remembered I
forgot my wrench..." she waved with her hand in no  particular
direction.  "Just go ahead, I will catch up with you at luau."
(Note 1)
     Faster toward the side of pond.  Well,  to be honest, one
time of five Gadget didn't get out of the sock.  Possibly, al-
ways  there  were some micro-divergences that added up to mess
up the attempt. Such things tended to happen on the next tests
too.  Lawainee  didn't think much about the theory.  She felt,
that today it would work fine,  for all time.  Just make  sure
Gadget will clear two first tests, and she will make it!
     "O! Lawainee,  help!" Gadget had colour circles in  front
of her 'partner' and as always didn't notice the sudden change
of her 'sisters' outlook.
     "Of course, dear. As soon as you will cross the pond."
     "But I will never make it."
     "Of course you will. You will think of something. I beli-
eve in you." Lawainee carefully,  to not to break something by
accident,  stepped  on  Gadget's fingers.  She will still need
them later.
     Strange, but  this from the first look unnecessary dialo-
gue was a critical piece for Gadget to make through the  first
test.  All  it took just a few words out of order,  just a bit
delay or hurry up,  and Gadget,  like she herself for  endless
times before, ended the attempt into the claws of the gigantic
     With short  exclamation,  Gadget  plunged  into water and
sank below.
                            * * *
     Lawainee didn't remember,  what did she do all  the  day.
She thought,  she was just aimlessly wandering around the vil-
lage,  not noticing anything around,  just staying out of  the
way of others, but she wasn't sure.
     The evening was setting in, it was time for evening erup-
tion.  Walking near her hut,  Lawainee suddenly hear the unsa-
tisfied growling and burgling.  O gods!  She had forgotten  to
open the ventile! No... Even if she wanted to, she no more co-
uld to that... Roaring increased. Lawainee gathered her coura-
ge and walked in the direction of the sound. In the direction,
none of the villagers dared to step.  It seemed like the right
thing  to do - let the volcano gods decide her fate.  From so-
mewhere inside her settled hope, that maybe the gods will take
pity on her and help her...
     Sounds were coming from long, fat and hot snake. The tail
stretched  toward the volcano,  but the head disappeared under
some box not far away.  As well, it could be other way around.
Lawainee thought for a moment, then turned toward the box.
     At the box,  two humans were working on something inside.
To  be  exact,  one was working,  other - short and bald - was
just standing, stepping from toe to toe and looking at the box
and the one who worked on the volcano.
     "If my new superluxyry frig...  fribr..  Damn!  Well,  if
this  damn  thing won't work this evening,  count yourself fi-
     Roaring and hissing became louder. Lawainee had never be-
fore heard the gods becoming so angry. What will happen?
     "Wait, boss! I think I got the problem! The main pipeline
is clogged.  Darn rodents making nests wherever they can." The
repairman straightened. He was tall and thin.
     Boss hmmed.  "Okay,  turn it off. But I want you to clean
it up first thing in the morning!" and he went away.
     The thin man bent over the box and flipped lever.  Somew-
here into distance there was a long whistle,  and all went si-
     Lawainee heard  every word.  Lawainee saw every movement.
Frozen on the spot,  as if cursed,  she tried to believe  what
her senses were telling her.  All she had believed so far, di-
sappeared like smoke from yesterday's eruption.
     There weren't  any volcano gods.  Never have been...  Ne-
                            * * *
     Lawainee again  caught herself remembering her past.  She
was sitting around a campfire with the rangers,  enjoying  the
cheap fun and eating marshmallows.
     "Dig in, boys, they're boneless," Monty swallowed another
piece of warmed marshmallow whole.
     "We are full," answered Chip for all.
     "But we have so much fun!" chirped Dale.
     "It's a good evening,  right," Lawainee entered  her  own
words.  Now she sure could relax a bit.  The dialogues weren't
so strictly defined as the ones with  Gadget,  and  the  worst
mistakes  she could do she had already done in the first time,
when she started to speak idiotically about "the thing you use
to hit sharp things".  And,  to be honest,  she liked being in
the company of those two lovesick chipmunks. Did she love Sha-
kea-baka now?  It was so long ago...  Okay,  the rest is fine,
but to ensure the continual following to the plan,  she had to
take the next step of preparations.
     "Sorry, guys, I need to step away for a moment, to powder
my nose," she told Monty.  Chipmunks had so melted in her pre-
sent that they would have missed even the end  of  the  world.
Monty just nodded and swallowed another marshmallow.
     "Wow, what  a tide!" - to watch the sea,  Shakea-baka had
turned aside from the procession that was walking to the  site
of the next test, the barbecue pit, and immediately got rudely
caught by his tail. Dumb surfer-boy...
     "Wow, Lawainee, you are on a tide today."
     "E... okay."  Shakea-baka was confused.  Exactly what she
     "Shakea-baka, boy,  I  feel  so  nervous  before the next
test. I may even start to say and do very strange things, even
say  that I am not me." Lawainee with perfection from long ex-
perience twisted her face into a grimace of  shock,  confusion
and helplessness.
     "But if you aren't you..." O lord almighty,  what a  dumb
specimen he was, her past ... lover.
     "No. I am me and whatever I would do or say, just make me
take the next test!" With the last words,  Lawainee got a good
grab of her ex-lover's tee-shirt and shook him mightily to en-
sure  that  he certainly would understand what he was supposed
to do. The outcome was like she expected.
     "Got it, honey."
     "Good, dear,  now I again has to get on my tide.  See you
soon!"  and  Lawainee disappeared into bushes.  After her came
"Don't worry, I'll do it."
     Now she  again had some time to relax and rest before the
going gets tough.  Back,  faster back,  to the smart Chip  and
funny Dale.  Those wonderful chipmunks;  just from one wink of
her made steam come from their ears.  What to say about  those
time  she was kissing them… The scenario had just a single ab-
solutely necessary kiss - to turn Chip's attention  away  from
Gadget  landing  into a sack with melted marshmallows,  but...
Lawainee really liked to have some fun.  Sometimes,  she  even
dared  to venture further than just a kiss.  She couldn't say;
she didn't get anywhere. Especially with Chip...
     Favouring those sweet memories,  the mouse quickly walked
back to the fireplace.  No, she doesn't love Shakea-baka. Pos-
sibly  had never,  ever loved.  Just that he was there and she
hadn't known anything better...
                            * * *
     Into pleasant dreams broke something alien, something out
of this world. Something from the real world. She opened eyes.
Behind the wall she could heard a chorus of voices.
     "This... It was shaman...  Haba-baba... he must have cur-
sed me..."
     She didn't die yesterday.  That means,  today.  The  last
cycle. After all, she lived through, she shad just turned into
tight knot under the control box of volcano and  felt  asleep.
It was ever simpler that she had imagined.  Several buttons, a
pair of indicators,  and lights.  From the control panel,  she
could  now make the eruptions of any power and at any time she
wanted.  Only the main ventil of the main pipe had happened to
be in the place she had chosen for her hut.
     It was still here. It wasn't broken.
     Accompanied by a now well-known chorus,  appeared and di-
sappeared Shakea-baka with his unchanging  phrase.  She  stood
up,  picked a piece of cloth and,  pushing mask aside, dropped
it over the handle. To whom to make a sacrifice, if there were
no gods left?
     "O, great gods of volcanoes!" Lawainee called her  phrase
aloud.  Without  much  respect,  but still loud enough so that
those standing outside would hear her.  Even if there  are  no
volcano gods - not these false gods promised to make her a qu-
     Carefully, not  to break it,  she closed the ventil,  not
forgetting to call out the phrases necessary for  the  ritual.
Then she went outside, greeted by ovations from the crowd. She
decided she wouldn't take another swim over the Crab Pool. She
will avoid the tests.  She will talk with Haba-baba,  she will
learn all she can about this day,  but she will get  what  she
wanted. She will become the queen!
     "If you insist, " she said strongly and with some healthy
dose  of irony the phrase she had said before.  Only bad thing
was some tiny inner voice whispering,  she will  have  to  say
this many many times...
                            * * *
     "I could control her, if I could control these," she aga-
in  repeated her phrase she had cried out so long ago and only
a day away...  She was running toward the seashore,  small bag
with angrily zumming Zipper in her paws.  Don't misstep, don't
fall down and let him escape...  Gadget had made two tests al-
ready,  Rescue  Rangers now have to rescue themselves from the
incoming eruption that will start shortly...  Now had  started
main,  most important part of her plan. The part, for the need
of what for whatever time she had repeated all this mess,  all
these actions and said all these phrases.
     Angered, Gadget was standing in her place at the  shore.:
"For the last time! I'm not Lawainee! And I'm fed up with the-
se dumb tests!" Then Lawainee raised her head over  the  rocks
so that only Gadget would notice her and whistled.
     Gadget turned and in few jumps was near  her.  "Lawainee,
how  glad  I am to see you!  Come!" She was already passing to
her the surfboard.
     Found the fool!
     "You're crazy!  There are sharks there!  Better make this
test for me, or your friends will get a warmer Hawaiian welco-
me that they would like,".  Blackmail, plain old proven black-
mail, but how effective!
     "I don't believe you!" There was fear in  Gadget's  eyes.
Not for herself, but for her friends. Well, well, well, so you
do not fear sharks!
     "I thought  you would say so.  Just so,  I brought proof"
Lawainee shook the bag in front of Gadget's eyes.  The fly in-
side zummed angrily.
     "I control  the flow of gases that are making the erupti-
ons.  Just make this test, or I will end their lives." - there
was only ice in Lawainee's eyes. Gadget HAD to make this test.
     Gadget had no choice than to pick up the board  and  walk
into the ocean.
                            * * *
     Lawainee was right, and at the same time wrong. Time from
time she relived the same day,  time from time she learned new
variations of her possible futures. Next time she could either
repeat it all down to the smallest detail, or choose something
cardinal different,  in the end nothing mattered.  Slowly  she
learned  every  thing that happened with her on that day,  all
small convergences and happenings.  However,  the day was  too
short  and  island  too big to learn everything.  Furthermore,
nothing she found out helped her to break this vicious  cycle.
Every  time  someone  was  left unsatisfied with how she lived
this day.  She didn't know,  if it was Huba-buba.  Many times,
she had tried to speak with him,  with no results.  Still, she
believed,  that her suffering won't end until shaman would  be
satisfied  with her passing the tests and will remove his cur-
     Attempts to  escape the tests gave nothing.  She tried to
avoid sleep for a few days,  and it went ok,  allowing her  to
live a bit longer.  Still,  as soon as she fell asleep,  after
twenty four hours from the moment she awakened, as soon as she
just for a moment closed her eyes and felt into dreams, it all
resetted to the beginning.  Going without sleep at all was im-
     There were times,  when she angered again and again tried
to  break  her way directly,  but it gave nothing else but new
portions of pain and suffering.  Sometimes she didn't  die  on
the spot. For the first times she even felt some gratitude to-
ward the unseen 'godfather' reviving her every time,  but then
anger overcame her. She was angry at the shaman, at the villa-
ge,  at the humans installing the volcano controller,  on  the
whole world,  on herself the most.  More and more,  she wanted
just to die once,  even by the most horrible death, and to not
wake up anymore.  No such luck.  Whether she committed suicide
or died by accident, the end was same.
     But fate offered her one solution. She met Gadget.
                            * * *
     Well, this was all. She now could forget about the Rescue
Rangers and Gadget.  The rest had to go on its own. There were
two keys to the crown,  and both already were placed into key-
holes.  The kid,  not suspecting anything, who had already sat
down in front of her.  And the other. The big rock, she for an
over a hundred cycles had put in the place at the morning time
with the help of Shakea-baka, carefully measuring the place of
fall.  The  rock  that now hung over her,  balancing on a good
wish and a light bamboo piece  ready  to  crash  by  slightest
change in pressure.
     Lawainee carefully removed last supporting beam and froze
into the wait. Just a second later the ocean would swallow the
kid. Gadget surely will pick it up, and then on the top of the
wave,  hair blowing into wind, like a fury, would descend upon
her.  Forgot about the rush and the codephrases,  forget about
the fear of failure. It all was going like planned.
     Still, when the wave rose over her, Lawainee eyes widened
into fear, and her mouth went into grimace of shock.
     Water rushed away.  Lawainee looked around, picked up mi-
raculously survived sand clock.  "It...  I made it!" she stood
up  from the wet sand,  smiled toward the shocked kid and took
him by hand.  Haba-baba and Shakea-baka were  already  rushing
toward her,  followed but the rest of the villagers into a co-
lourful mob.
     "O Lawainee,  we will make you a queen!" Shakea-baka,  as
always, was ahead of them all.
     "And you  will  be my first minister," she smiled back at
him. Well, not all she had said she would make into reality.
     "Lawainee, you survived the tests, you command the volca-
no gods.  You have earned the rights to be our  queen!"  never
before was the shaman so ceremonial and polite with her.  "and
now,  in honour of our beautiful queen, let's start the festi-
     The whirlwind of her tribesmen carried her  away,  raised
over  their  heads and Lawainee the First ceremonially entered
her village,  praised endlessly by all present mice.  For  all
evening  she did sit on the throne,  laughing,  drinking,  and
whispering dumb things  to  Shakea-baka.  Then  whole  village
watched the evening eruption, calm and beautiful. Volcano gods
were happy, just like thanking her for the wonderful sacrifice
     But still, in spite of all this fun and laughing, in spi-
te of the luck, into her mind again and again stood that other
one, the one that was left on the shore under the fallen rock.
Nobody noticed the switch,  she calmed herself,  but the other
one...  she will be forgotten...  Soon she will be  forgotten,
will  disappear from memory like this endless day.  With these
memories, she fell asleep.
     Into pleasant dreams broke something alien, something out
of this world.  Something from the real world. She didn't want
to open eyes. Behind the wall she could heard a chorus of voi-
ces chant a cry:  "La - wai - nee!  La - wai - nee! La - wai -
     "Queen Lawainee. What a beautiful sound..."
     The light cloth over entrance was pulled aside a bit, and
into  it  appeared Shakea-Baka's blonde head:  "Lawainee!  The
volcano gods again got angry..."

© Roman Bulygin